5 Tips For Safer Night-Time Driving

Uneasy driving after dark?

You are not alone.

Problems with night vision are common and can affect your confidence behind the wheel.

At night, your eyes naturally adjust to the darkness by expanding your pupil to let more light in. As your pupil enlarges, any vision imperfections will become more noticeable and the need for vision correction increases. Night-time darkness impacts how well you can judge your surroundings, your ability to distinguish between objects and their background, your peripheral vision and ability to distinguish colour.

5 ways to boost your safety on the road

  1. Have regular eye examinations every 2 years or as prescribed
  2. Add an anti-reflective coating to your lenses to reduce glare
  3. Steer clear of wearing tinted lenses at night
  4. Don’t stare directly into oncoming headlights
  5. Make sure your windscreen is clean – inside and out

Having trouble with your night vision?

Book an appointment with one of our expert independently-owned optometrists to assess your vision.

Book your eye test now

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