Australians love digital media and we devote half of our waking hours interacting with digital media channels across multiple devices^. It has changed the way we work, learn, shop, socialise and relax. However, our eyes are not accustomed to the digital environment with 65% of users likely to experience one or more symptoms of digital eye strain at some point*.
We recommend innovative lenses specifically designed for digital media use to help relax and protect your eyes and keep them feeling fresh throughout the day.
5 causes of digital eye strain
- Eyes are focusing more intensively and repeatedly to adjust to close and variable distances of use, with frequent switching between devices, as well as to increasingly smaller, pixelated characters and bright, glowing screens.
- Digital devices are backlit and emit blue-violet light that can cause strain and discomfort and is linked to disrupted sleeping patterns.
- A new reading zone in ultra near vision has evolved with the smartphone, placing even greater demands on our eyes.
- The normal blinking rate is often reduced from 17 or more blinks a minute to 12 to 15 blinks, reducing tear production, making your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable.**
- Our posture has changed as we lean toward our screens and/or slouch in our chairs, putting a strain on the neck and back.*
Ease the strain with digital-specific lenses
In response to our changing visual environment, innovative lens technology alleviates digital eye strain by eliminating glare, filtering out blue light and preventing vision fatigue. Referred to as your computer, digital or work pair, these lenses are designed to relax and protect your eyes by providing clear viewing at typical screen viewing distance, as well as reducing blurriness, pixelation, brightness and glare.
The good news is that digital lens innovation caters to both prescription and non-prescription wearers affected by digital eye strain. If you wear prescription glasses currently, chances are they are not designed for extended digital device usage or the wider viewing zones required for screen distances and up close work, affecting posture as well as your eyes. This is why a dedicated computer pair is increasingly recommended.
There are also some simple adjustments you can make to your workplace or study set-up, as well as the 20-20-20 strategy that can help reduce the impact of digital eye strain.
Had enough of the strain?
Book an appointment with one of our independently-owned optometrists for a comprehensive eye examination.
Find your nearest optometrist now*Eyes Overexposed: The Digital Device Dilemma, 2016 Digital Eye Strain Report, The Vision Council, US
**Computer Vision Syndrome Affects Millions, J. Brody, NY Times May, 2016